Played for 45 mins and I like it alooooooot..
So I deleted my SVER character and started my run with Valor. It's been tough to say the least. My first match in Sabotage we got our asses handed to us by Raven (lol).
Next match I got put on a squad where everyone had mics and it was great. Our squad essentially took Raven's B capture point four times while waiting for the cumtwats at A to do their job. Finally a few of us headed over to A and just totally raped Raven and finally secured both points.
At this point there was two minutes left in the match. Got into C once and captured it, but died right after as Raven took it again. We got into C once more with 20 seconds left in the game and took it for good.
Our squad had like five guys with 500+ exp at the end of the match while the other squads had maybe one person over 400 at most.
Another highlight for me on Valor was taking A twice and B once single handedly. The fuckers on me team were basically sitting back at the spawn. I was like WTF and just stormed up the stairs on A and took it. Once I took it only two dudes actually came up there to help me defend. WTF.Comment
Maps? Like 15 or so...As far as weapons go, you can rank up like in MW2 to get better ones or to buy better attachments.
You start with a default pistol and your choice of a light machine gun, a sniper rifle or a heavy machine gun; all which can be improved or replaced with better stuff.As far as class goes, it just matters on how you play and how well your Squad Leaders give out orders.
If you snipe well, then you'll be placed in a position to pick off anyone who dicks around near vital targets.
If you like to help others in the game as more of a support-type player, then you'd level up to become a Combat Medic and gain shit-tons of XP for it.
Those two are just a sample of what you can do in the game.Load times are a few seconds at worst if the game can't find enough people to play in a round.
This is especially true for the recent flocking towards Sabotage maps.The story? You choose a side and shoot manz in the face for better lootz.Comment
It's even-keeled as far as entertainment goes.
There's less reward for just murdering the shit out of the other team and more emphasis on keeping your fellow squads alive long enough to finish the objective.
Also if you scaled shooters from Arcade to Simulation with MW2 and Operation: Flashpoint on opposite ends, this game would fall towards the middle, leaning more towards MW2. :yessir:
Shit is fun too.Comment
I seriously have to wonder what the hell was going through Zipper's mind when creating the factions. It's like they purposely wanted one faction to be super awesome, thus giving them every advantage possible. Better weapons, better maps, fucking heat seeking headshot bullets. You name it, SVER has it.
I rolled with this one group of guys tonight and out of 15 games probably, we won once... against Raven. We played SVER 14 out of the 15 games. It's not like SVER is that much more organized than all of us.
Still a fun game though.Comment