Join Valor so I can send Magic Blue Smoke clan invite
I'll be getting on pretty soon then.
Not really. MAG is definitely a tactical shooter, but not in the same vain as RB6 games. I mean there's 256 players, so you really can't sit back and think a whole lot about what you want to do. It's more of a "hey, my squad, flank the left side of that objective" and after that everyone does their own thing.Comment
I get off work in an hour, so I'll be online soon.Twitch Channel
After I finish "Whiteout," I'll pop on to gain some valuable XP and to kill manz. :star:Comment
If you can skate past that, it's a matter of who's actually listening on mics and who's "mute."
Also, did you try the Tutorial? Since the level isn't timed or anything, you can explore the area and try stuff out.
It's how I learned to drive a vehicle finally.Comment