I think the closest I've gotten to beating SVER attacking was when one platoon broke through on the A/B side really early on the match. For some reason SVER just let them have A and B and we kept it for a good ten minutes before the other platoons broke through. We ended up getting within a millimeter of winning by damage.
All this RAVEN and SVER bitchassness running rampant... makes me wanna puke.
For real though, I'm glad there's a generally positive response to this game.
You guys who are the other factions seriously need to consider fighting for VALOR though. :deal:Comment
I'm completely prepared to make the switch to Raven after I get Veteran mode. I'm halfway there
PSN = Bdub515Comment
EDIT: After my rounds in both Raven and SVER then I will be Valor 4 LYFE!!1!1!!!!!111Last edited by KNUBB; 02-04-2010, 12:35 AM.
I'm starting a new clan, the KSO.
It stands for Knubb Sold Out.
EDIT: Not serious business. You do you mang.Comment