The motherfuckin VSN Pirates
It won't be that hard actually. When we get new goalies and want to test them out we will go in practice mode. Sometimes before playing you want to shoot around and get back into things, or while waiting for people to join a game. When someone says "be on in 15" you don't need to go start a new game, but rather go chill on ice in practice.All you need to know when thinking of the NHL vs Madden series is the two people involved in making the games.
"rammer" and "cummings"
The NHL series is a giver, Madden takes the load.Comment
i can easily see us getting fed up with eashl matchmaking and a bunch of us go into practice mode for a couple hours one night and just fucking around. i see this game mode as 10 skaters, 2 goalies and a puck and all of us just fucking around lighting each other up. hopefully we can start fights lol
i can easily see us getting fed up with eashl matchmaking and a bunch of us go into practice mode for a couple hours one night and just fucking around. i see this game mode as 10 skaters, 2 goalies and a puck and all of us just fucking around lighting each other up. hopefully we can start fights lolComment
Hey, how was playing for the championships in Vancouver...
ohhh wait a minute...
All you need to know when thinking of the NHL vs Madden series is the two people involved in making the games.
"rammer" and "cummings"
The NHL series is a giver, Madden takes the load.Comment