Microsoft E3 2011 Discussion Thread (Press - 6/6)
Yes, I wouldn't have been happy unless Leaf or Seth came in here and defend this atrocity. But care to elaborate? I'm not the greatest smiley interpreter on the planet. I'm guessing you don't agree with anything I said? Huge shocker there!
I'm obviously not the only one that has these opinions. There's a reason why MS has been consistently getting the worst show grades for this E3. Are you honeslty saying it was a good showing?
Unless by some miracle they blow me away in part 3 their show was awful. But I'm guessing part 3 will just be all the stupid kiddie Kinect shit I've been hearing about so it's only going to get 100x worse.Comment
The Ryse game looks cool although none of that looked like actual game play. And I'm still in the boat of needing something tactile in my hands when playing these motion games, even if it is something like a Wiimote or Move controller. Just pretending you are holding a sword and shield just doesn't cut it for me.
Ok, so I'm confused. Can you play the Halo remake online competitive or not. I know the trailer makes it sound like you can but everything I've heard/read says that those 7 maps they mention are actually playable on Halo Reach.
Considering my copy of Forza 3 is still in the plastic I can't say I'm excited for Forza 4 although I now tons of people are. But again, this wasn't any surprise.
Oh fuck, there's a part FOUR of this conference on YouTube. Ugh.
I love how Molyneaux says "How can we make sure that you have that power and control at your fingertips?" and then they show you a Kinect Fable game. Wouldn't "control at my fingertips" be using a controller?!? And it looks to be on rails?
Minecraft. I couldn't care less but I know there are tons of people that eat that shit up and I can see Kinect working well with building your own stuff.
And here we start with the Kinect bullshit. Disneyland, hooray! These kid actors are terrible.
Fist bump? LMAO.Comment
The Star Was game looks a lot better than I thought it would but the on screen movements are so laggy. And it looks like the enemies are dumber than rocks to compensate for the slow movements. Did I even see one get an attack off? It would be a great game for kids under 8 but that's about it.
As for Sesame Street, it's obviously not targeted to people like myself or others on this board, and that's fine. It seems like it would be an awesome game for parents and their young kids though. Plus everyone should support Double Fine because Tim Schaefer is awesome. It looks great as well. Very colorful.Comment
I'm a little disappointed with how much Microsoft is pushing Kinect. I like Sony's strategy with the Move, it's there, if you want it, cool, if you don't, we still have a ton of stuff for core gamers. However, I was very excited to hear about the Halo: CE anniversary edition. I'll definitely be picking that up this fall.
So after the rumors this week of a developer having a dev kit for the next Xbox, and that it should be unveiled at next summer's E3, I'm beginning to think that Halo 4 is going to be released for it. Guess we'll just have to wait and see though.Comment
I wouldn't mind picking up Kinect eventually, but only if they put out some games for it that I would actually want to play which they haven't.Comment
Exactly. I mean they are pushing it a lot, yet they haven't really showcased any games that really appeal to core gamers. It's a pretty cool technology, just put something out that we want.Comment
Plus, think about it. What type of any real "core" game could the Kinect work with? I can't think of a single one. Besides just small shit like voice recognition and other minor stuff. I truly believe you will never see an all Kinect core game. It's impossible. It's because it has zero controller at all, which of course they hype the shit out of, but that is exactly what paints the device into a corner of casual bullshit.Comment
Just finished watching.
The Kinect Sports stuff looks like it could be a cool idea, like an enhanced version of Wii Sports, but without holding an actual controller I'm just not buying it. The game would just be guessing about everything and again, the on screen movements were so laggy.
It was funny that the one chick mentioned the skateboard scanning. LOL.
The Dance Central dancers were tearing that shit up.
I still think Kudo is a fucking tool. Does he have eye issues? Why is he always wearing sunglasses?
Overall I would pretty much agree with the grade on the front page but would probably say more of a D than a D-. It was just pretty disappointing on all accounts.Comment
Originally posted by GrifI didn't expect to see Halo 4 at this E3, I knew about the remake of Halo CE though.
Being surprised by Halo 4 is laughable. Bungie or no Bungie, MS is going to make Halo games until the cows come home.
I could do this all day.Comment
I wouldn't doubt it. Serious rumors are already swirling that MS will introduce the next Xbox at next years E3. It would make sense by then to have a playable version of Halo 4 on it at that time. Then they could have this whole new "trilogy" on the new hardware.Comment