Buy, i can usually tell if i like it so i dont need to rent
Rent Or Buy?
Gamestop is right across the steeet from me so i go in there w/e I have some extra cash and buy used games that I havent heard of before and almost always like them. If I dont like them I force myself to play them and after playing it for a little more I end up likeing it.
I think unless you have Gamefly or w/e its a waste of money. Games are too much to rent with walk in rental stores. BLockbuster its like $5 for 2 days and family video its $7 for 5.Comment
I get some free rentals from Blockbuster that I use, other than that I just buy games that I know are going to be good.Comment
Over half the times I rent a game, I'll play it for a day and then never touch it again so I haven't done it much lately. I rented NBA Live a couple weeks ago and played it to death but that was probably my first rental in years. I typically buy a game and when I get bored of it or move on to something else I trade it in.Comment
Buy. I had GameFly for a little while and actually am considering joining up again to because there are quite a few games that I want to play but I'm not sure if I'll end up buying them all.
But I never go to Blockbuster or somewhere like that and rent.
i ususally buy, unless imma test a game out like im gonna rent nba 2k9 and nba live, then imma buy the better oneComment
Usually Rent first and then buy if the games deep enough. Sometimes this technique bites me in the ass a la Mass Effect. Rented it for a week, loved it, bought it, and then beat it a day later.
But its saved me a lot of money with games I assumed would be worth buying but werent. (Fable 2)Comment