If he's bullying you, in a similar scenario as we are talking here (let's keep the rules and situation fair if you want to use him as your analogy, amirite??), then yes, you should stand up to him. Because this means you spend time with him at the gym and training, spar and fight along side him, and he repeatedly bully's you when not training. It means you should have some form of training as well so your not Tailback U off the street like you are now.
You can't employ an analogy of you as you are now, running across Mayweather at a party/get together and being bullied. That's not really bullying, that's meeting you and harassing/threatening bodily harm and that's not what is going on here.
You can't employ an analogy of you as you are now, running across Mayweather at a party/get together and being bullied. That's not really bullying, that's meeting you and harassing/threatening bodily harm and that's not what is going on here.