Here's your chance to impress your fellow VSN football fans with your ability to pick winners against the spread each week. This pick'em league is set up with no confidence points allowed, picking against the spread and 3 weeks low scores dropped. The pick'em schedule will end at the end of the regular season for 2013.
Sign up here!
Group ID # 42078
Password - vsnpickem
Please include your forum handle in the "pick set" name that you set up on Yahoo.
There will be 3 prizes awarded this year-
1st place - $100 gift card to the VSN Amazon Store
2nd place - $50 gift card to the VSN Amazon Store
The 3rd award will be a $50 gift card to the VSN Amazon Store, awarded to a random participant that submits picks for at least 14 weeks during the regular season.
Prize winners must have a valid login at Virtual Sports Network.
Good luck!