Just off the top of my head
WW tourney, Daley, Saunders, Lima, etc...
Askren vs Karl Ammousou, winner fights Andrey Kordhjsskskksk
Chandler vs Hawn, winner fights winner of this seasons LW tourney
LHW toruney, King Mo, Babalu, etc...
M'Pumbu vs Viegh
Pat Curren vs Particio, winner faces Daniel Straus
Duda vs Galvao
WW tourney, Daley, Saunders, Lima, etc...
Askren vs Karl Ammousou, winner fights Andrey Kordhjsskskksk
Chandler vs Hawn, winner fights winner of this seasons LW tourney
LHW toruney, King Mo, Babalu, etc...
M'Pumbu vs Viegh
Pat Curren vs Particio, winner faces Daniel Straus
Duda vs Galvao