As long as he can put it on the TE down the stretch it dont matter. Godgers still that dude. :smugruss: NFL star quaterback of the Green Bay Packers Aaron Rodgers have a falling out with his ex-roommate/”personal assistant” Kevin Lanflisi? Check inside and see what juicy scoop one of our TFD spys brought to our attention about this questionable “friendship”…
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Aaron and Kevin
A TFD spy wrote:
Hello TheFameDriven, I’m surprised you all haven’t touched on The Green Bay Packers star quarterback Aaron Rodgers and his former male “personal assistant”/roommate name Kevin Lanflisi. Aaron has attended numerous sports award shows with Kevin, always color coordinated and without any double female dates, including the ESPY’s. Kevin was also the first person Aaron embraced when the Packers won the Super-bowl in 2011. I just find it really strange that as of late there has been many bitter subliminal tweets on Kevin Lanflisi’s twitter alluding to a relationship much deeper than a friendship he had, with who I perceive to be Aaron Rodgers, because Kevin has NEVER once tweeted about having a girlfriend, just mainly about the Green Bay Packers, Aaron Rodgers, and Justin Bieber’s music and sitting front row at Bieber’s concert. There has been speculation for years here in Wisconsin that Aaron is gay which I always brushed off, but after looking at Kevin’s twitter I’m inclined to believe Aaron and Kevin were more than just roommates/friends, I believe they were lovers. What do you think?
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Thank you for alerting us of this! After doing some intensive research we came across this quote from Aaron Rodgers MilwaukeeMag interview where it states:
Late in the night, a well-known actor – Rodgers won’t out him, only saying he’s played a superhero on the big screen – arrives at his table. And just like Miss Instagram, while playing up to the football hero, he ignores everyone else. That includes Rodgers’ older brother, Luke; his lifelong friend Ryan Zachary, who sports a Zach Galifianakis beard and answers to the nickname Papa; and his personal assistant, Kevin Lanflisi. Rodgers is not impressed with the actor’s act.
“I kind of judge how those people are based on how they are to people like Kevin,” Rodgers explains. “Kevin, he’s not a famous person. I want to see if they give Kevin the time of day, or if they big-time him.”
Perhaps Rodgers is so keenly aware of how others treat perceived nobodies because, for much of his football life, he was treated like one himself.
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And in another interview dated in 2008 with Sporting News, Aaron Rodgers was asked about who he lives with, he said:
I’ve got a roommate, a guy I met in town. He works for the Packers now as an athletic trainer, but he was interning when I met him and we just hit it off. He’s been great for me as far as great conversations outside of football. Our friendship goes a lot deeper than what we do.
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BOMBOCLAT! why is this dude wearing Aaron Rodgers NFL Super Bowl MVP ring, there are football wives who don’t even get that privilege!
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A year or so ago things seemed great between the two former roommates according to twitter, but as of recent Kevin expressed that he is roommates with his sister and no longer appears to be bff’s with Aaron Rodgers. Ironically, Kevin’s seemingly annoyed tweets dated on December 4th, which is two days after Aaron Rodgers 30th birthday(Dec. 2nd)!
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We are told Kevin Lanflisi acted as Aaron Rodgers “personal manager”, but details are still sketchy on what was the cause of their abrupt split. One of our sources close to the two told us that Aaron was allegedly suppose to be one of the NFL stars to come out the closet during the summer, but backed out last minute which infuriated Kevin and hurt their relationship. We hear Kevin doesn’t even live in Wisconsin anymore, he’s back in California and seems really distraught and upset over whatever break-up he recently had.
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To play devils advocate it’s very far fetched and hard to comprehend or believe one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL (Aaron Rodgers) and a hip hop gospel poet (Kevin Lanflisi), both devout Christians, engaged in an alleged homosexual relationship. We just can’t with this notion! Suppose they are just really good friends who happen to room together, but then why would a millionaire star NFL player, such as Aaron Rodgers, live with his “personal manager”, let alone a male roommate?
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Aaron’s now 30 years old shouldn’t a wife and family be the future goal? We’re sure many of you shared your high school football championship rings with your male friends and allowed them to take pictures with it.
And Kevin is quite the wordsmith check out his poem “Let It Shine” (above). We wonder what he means by his tweet “Silence always comes with an expiration date..” Kevin if you are reading this you can email us at tips @ (without the spaces). What do you all think?