For the past month or so I've been playing coach mode on the Next Gen Madden at 50 default All-Pro. And the game is damn near perfect. The only problem is the QB holds is way too accurate.If you lower the QB ACC slider, the QB will throw more incompletions but he also holds onto the the ball for far too long. Then, I found this article the other day and I've been experimenting with it.
The article tells how the 3 accuracy ratings are based on completion percentage. The only reason the ratings are high is because EA doesn't want Peyton Manning to be have an 86 overall rating. They didn't weight the ratings to improve the overall rating.How can the game play right when Peyton Manning is rated 90+ in all accuracy categories. Essentially that means he's throwing at 90+ completion percentage on any pass he attempts. I found an adjusted completion percentage chart.
I ran across this article that gives a completion percentage based on the depth of the pass.
I have changed accuracy ratings based on that and I'm liking the results and it makes default 50 QB accuracy actually work. The problem with lowering the QB accuracy slider is that it makes the QB hold on to the ball too long and sack numbers get out of hand.