Week 4, January 1998 - ALPHA-1: Hayashi vs. Tan - Live Results
Week 4, January 1998 - ALPHA-1: Hayashi vs. Tan - Live Results
ALPHA-1: Hayashi vs. Tan - Live Results
Fumiaki Hayashi (16-4) vs. Syed Tan (13-2-1):
Round 1: Hayashi counters a wayward left jab with a hard right kick to the legs. There's a short stalemate as both fighters advance and throw strikes, but neither hits. They exchange strikes, but neither fighter inflicts any real damage. Hayashi covers up to absorb a barrage of big right hands. An exchange of strikes doesn't really lead to anything and they wind up in a tight clinch Tan is looking to muscle Hayashi back against the ropes. Hayashi is controlled up against the ropes and eats a sharp right to the ear. Tan moves back from the grapple and looks ready to strike. Good head movement allows Hayashi to avoid a flurry of rights and lefts. Slipping past a left jab, Tan hits a sequence of quick punches. Both fighters advance and strike, but neither hits anything. They end up clinched and Tan smothers Hayashi when he tries to use some dirty boxing, and gains the upper hand in the grapple as a result. The clock is stopped as the referee wants to check the cut on Hayashi. The doctor checks the cut, but seems happy that it does not present too much of a problem. Advancing, Tan counters a left jab by using a tasty jab - right cross combination. A right kick to the legs misses and Tan fires back with a couple of tight angled jabs and a scorching right hook to the body. Not letting up, Tan steps in closer to pressure Hayashi into action. Hayashi avoids a tight combination. Round one ends as time expires.
Round 2: Tan is looking to turn this into a wrestling match, and is getting in closer to Hayashi. He pulls Hayashi into a grapple uses dirty boxing and gets in a few crisp punches on Hayashi as they grapple. Hayashi is stuck with his back to the ropes. Syed Tan is breathing very hard and tries to use dirty boxing against Hayashi, but his opponent's wrestling skills prevent any damage from happening. Tan steps back from Hayashi and looks to unleash some strikes. Showing good head movement, Hayashi slips past a flurry of strikes. Both fighters come in and exchange strikes, but neither does any damage. Having ended up close together from the strikes they threw, a wild exchange of punches begins! Hayashi hits a right hook to the body. That last blow may have really hurt Tan, he staggers backward looking dazed! Hayashi smashes Tan with a huge right hook and he goes down hard! Hayashi tries to come in and secure a ground position. Tan tries to get free, but Hayashi is able to secure side control. Hayashi fires away with rights, Tan is barely able to do anything at all, he cannot get out from under Hayashi! The referee has seen enough, he pulls Hayashi off!
Fumiaki Hayashi defeats Syed Tan (TKO (Strikes) in 4:29 of round 2).
Tomoji Takaoka (1-0) vs. Takafumi Ando (14-10):
Round 1: In close proximity from the strikes they threw, they fall into a messy clinch. Takaoka tries to wrestle Ando backward and up against the ropes. Showing his ability to exert control, Takaoka smothers Ando up against the ropes for a minute or more, wearing him down with occasional sharp punches to the ribs. The referee decides that the grappling against the ropes has been going on too long, and he brings them back to the center. Takaoka chooses to shoot in on Ando and is successful, Ando pulls guard. Ando applies double underhooks and keeps Takaoka from launching any attacks. Takaoka throws some small strikes, but is clearly just taking a moment to try and catch his breath. With no progress being made, the referee stands them back up. Takaoka doesn't get a takedown; Ando was equal to it and pulls them into a clinch. Ando looks to scoop his opponent up for a slam and gets it! Takaoka manages to pull guard upon impact. The clock runs down as Takaoka is being smothered against the ground by Ando. The time is up, and that's the end of round one. Takafumi Ando looks like he is on the verge of exhaustion.
Round 2: Takaoka catches Ando with a flurry of small strikes. Takaoka uses a jab to sting Ando. Ando stuffs the quick takedown attempt, so Takaoka has to settle for pushing him up against the ropes. Tomoji Takaoka doesn't look like he has much left in the tank, but hits Ando with a short, sharp right uppercut, wobbling him.With the ropes trapping Ando, Takaoka gets the underhooks in and looks for a takedown. Ando cannot stop being lifted up and blasted with a Greco-Roman slam, he can only pull guard! Takaoka pounds away from the guard, and Ando struggles to deal with them. Ando applies double underhooks and keeps Takaoka from launching any attacks. Takaoka smothers Ando with his body by pushing forward and down. The time runs out and that round is over, and so is the fight.
Tomoji Takaoka defeats Takafumi Ando (Unanimous Decision in 5:00 of round 2).
Kyuwa Itou (22-11) vs. Tora Mizwar (19-6):
Round 1: Itou throws a left jab but Mizwar avoids it. Mizwar comes in closer, looking to attack from the pocket. Mizwar can't get near enough to engage, Itou uses strikes to keep him out of range. A couple of quick punches are used to set up a takedown attempt from Mizwar, but it doesn't work, Itou saw it coming and got out of range. Mizwar waits for Itou to step in, then he scores with a quick takedown. Mizwar pounds away on Itou, landing several great shots that rock Itou! Mizwar pounds away from the guard, but is unable to land many clean shots on Itou. Mizwar smothers Itou with his body by pushing forward and down. With no progress being made, the referee brings the fighters back to their feet. Itou catches Mizwar with a scything low kick to the legs. Itou is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket. Itou uses a sharp body kick from within the pocket. Itou throws a left jab but Mizwar uses good head movement to make sure it slips by. Mizwar checks a low kick and quickly hits a solid left jab. Itou throws rights and lefts, but Mizwar covers up well and none of the shots find a home. Time expires and we come to the end of round one.
Round 2: Mizwar sees a right body kick coming, grabs it, shoots in for a takedown, and gets it! Itou has to pull guard. Mizwar pounds away on Itou, landing several great shots that rock Itou! Mizwar attempts to pass guard. Advancing his position, he passes gaining side control. Mizwar throws a few strikes, but is clearly slowing things down so that he can catch his breath. Mizwar attempts to arm triangle Itou from side control, but Itou defends himself well and is in no danger. Mizwar holds Itou in position with side control and hits a knee into the ribs. Tora Mizwar seems to be fighting against exhaustion and throws a few strikes, but they are without venom. The fight comes to an end as the time limit expires.
Tora Mizwar defeats Kyuwa Itou (Unanimous Decision in 5:00 of round 2).
Felipe Luiz Rosa (11-5) vs. Gyokusho Fujimoto (6-0):
Round 1: Rosa has his hands far too low and gets hit with a crisp left jab. Fujimoto scores with a picture-perfect roundhouse kick to the side of the ribs, set up nicely with a feint to the other side. Both fighters come in and exchange strikes, but they end up clinched. Rosa looks to get some strikes in, but Fujimoto seizes the moment and wrestles his way into control of the grapple. Rosa tries to wriggle free, but Fujimoto controls him well and gets in a few close-range punches too. Fujimoto tries to wrestle Rosa backward and now has him pinned to the ropes. Fujimoto drives a knee to the thigh area and steps back looking to unleash some strikes. Showing good head movement, Rosa slips past a flurry of strikes. A showdown where they both exchange strikes only results in a stalemate and they end up grappling. Rosa finds his dirty boxing smothered, and Fujimoto gains the dominant position in the grapple. Fujimoto smothers Rosa against the ropes, then hits him with a knee strike to the ribs. Fujimoto takes a short step back and prepares to strike. Both fighters exchange strikes, but neither hits anything significant. Rosa slams a crisp right into the gloves of Fujimoto, but can't follow up. Fujimoto waits for Rosa to step in, then hits a nice left jab. An errant jab sets Fujimoto up to counter-strike with a straight right that sends Rosa to the ground! Fujimoto moves in quickly to try and finish Rosa with stomps and kicks! Fujimoto viciously stomps and kicks away at the stunned Rosa! The referee dives in to save Rosa from any further shots!
Gyokusho Fujimoto defeats Felipe Luiz Rosa (TKO (Strikes) in 8:53 of round 1).
Xie Ming (20-4) vs. Ikku Funaki (14-4):
Round 1: They come together and strike, but neither can land a clean shot. They wind up in a tight clinch, but break the grapple and are apart again, circling. Ming slams a crisp left into the gloves of Funaki, but can't follow up. Funaki comes in closer to press the issue. A jab misses, allowing Funaki to counter-strike with a crisp left hand punch. A tidy combination doesn't find a home, giving Ming the opportunity to counter with a crisp jab. Moving forward, Funaki counters a right jab with a superb combination of left hook to the body and a big right cross. Both fighters come in and throw strikes, there is no real damage done by either. Moving forward, Ming counters a series of wayward big punches with a solid right jab. Ming counters a left jab by hitting a nice right hand. A jab misses, allowing Funaki to counter-strike with a jab. Ming feints going high and then throws a barrage of big lefts, with Funaki only just able to evade them. Ming counters a wayward left jab with a picture-perfect left roundhouse kick to the side of the ribs. Ming covers up in the face of a combination of short sharp punches, then fires back with a nice jab. Ming presses in closer to attack, but the time runs out on round one.
Round 2: Ming side-steps a barrage of big punches and hits a picture-perfect left roundhouse kick to the side of the ribs. Ming looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Funaki, but can't get near enough to engage, Funaki uses strikes to keep him out of range. We go past the halfway point of this round. Funaki is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket. Good head movement allows Ming to roll past an attempted knock out punch and hit a left body kick. Funaki uses head movement to make sure that a massive overhand right doesn't find a home. Slipping past the blow, Funaki counters an attempted knock out punch with a great right hand, Ming is knocked down! He is out!
Ikku Funaki defeats Xie Ming (Knock Out (Punch) in 3:57 of round 2).
Simon Vine (19-6) vs. Kichisaburo Morri (10-3):
Round 1: Vine moves in quickly after a wayward punch and hits a left jab to the cheek. Vine throws out a couple of jabs as a set up, then shoots in for a takedown. Vine gets a single leg takedown! Morri pulls guard off it. In guard, Vine begins working to pass to side control. Morri can't fend off the effort, and can only stop Vine at half guard. Vine looks to pass half guard and get side control. He does excellently, getting into side control. Vine pounds away on Morri. Morri is barely able to do anything at all, he cannot get out from under Vine! The referee stops the fight, he didn't feel Morri was intelligently defending himself!
Simon Vine defeats Kichisaburo Morri (TKO (Strikes) in 2:34 of round 1).
Keita Oshima (18-6) vs. Shuncho Sakurai (9-3):
Round 1: Sakurai side-steps a barrage of big punches and hits a clean jab. An exchange of strikes goes nowhere. Sakurai avoids a quick jab and hits a flurry of jabs and straight punches. Oshima slips out of the way of a flurry of punches. An errant jab sets Oshima up to counter-strike with two big right hands! Oshima sees a low kick being set up and strikes first with a jab. Using head movement, Oshima slips past a left jab and counters with a clean punch. A left jab misses, Oshima counters with a stinging jab. Sakurai slips past a jab and scores with a jab. Standing in the pocket, Sakurai throws an inside leg kick but Oshima shows good footwork to avoid it. Sakurai dodges a jab, and fires back with a hard leg kick. Oshima sees a low kick being set up and takes the opportunity to strike first with a nice left. Sakurai dodges a jab, and fires back with a flurry of quick punches to sting Oshima. A left jab misses the mark and allows Sakurai to counter with a big kick to the outside of the left thigh. Keita Oshima won't want to take too many unchecked strikes to the legs like that. Sakurai uses head movement to dodge a jab, and counters with a right hook to the body. Oshima dodges a kick to the body and fires back with a stinging jab. Sakurai lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a quick series of punches. Not comfortable in the pocket, Oshima steps back and creates some space. There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes, but neither scores as time runs out on round one.
Round 2: A left jab misses and Oshima strikes back with two hard right hands! Slipping past a powerful straight right, Sakurai counters with a kick to the outside of the knee. There are signs that Keita Oshima is definitely feeling the damage done to his legs. Slipping past a powerful straight right, Sakurai counters with a sharp right body kick. Slipping past a left jab, Sakurai hits a right hook to the body. Sakurai throws rights and lefts, but Oshima covers up well and none of the shots find a home. Checking a leg kick, Oshima counters back immediately with several right hands to the body and face! A left jab misses, Sakurai counters with a flurry of jabs and straight punches. Oshima covers up, absorbing a flurry of punches. A body kick misses, giving Oshima an opening to score with a series of hard rights! We're into the final minute of the round and Oshima sees an inside leg kick coming and hits first with a punch. Oshima sees a low kick being set up and strikes first with a solid left jab. We reach the time limit and this fight is over.
Keita Oshima defeats Shuncho Sakurai (Split Decision in 5:00 of round 2).
Naoki Itoh (22-15) vs. Isaiah Monroe (3-0):
Round 1: Itoh counters a wayward right jab with a solid right. Monroe looks like he might be trying to get in close and wrestle with Itoh. Monroe uses underhooks to gain solid control, and is looking for a takedown. A sweep of the legs is successful, Itoh has to pull guard. Monroe passes guard fairly easily, getting to side control. Monroe tries to lock Itoh into an arm triangle. Monroe gets the arm triangle fully applied! Out of the blue, Itoh breaks free! Monroe must not have had it locked up as tight as it looked. Monroe blocks an attempt to pull guard. It appears that Monroe is looking for a crucifix. Itoh is in big trouble as he is trapped in the crucifix. Monroe fires away with punches, and a trapped Itoh is taking powerful shot after powerful shot! The referee jumps in and saves Itoh from taking any more shots!
Isaiah Monroe defeats Naoki Itoh (TKO (Strikes) in 3:54 of round 1).