i wouldnt say anything. what do i care if an NFL owner dies? if it was somebody i cared about then sure, i would comment. But its not like anyone here gives 2 shits about art modell, so why the need to comment at all....
calling him one of the most influential owners in the game is an absolute joke. he had some innovating ideas back in the late 60ies early 70ies. Ideas that back then were fresh and new, but not like it was some ground breaking idea that only his genius could have come up with. And his so called TV contracts were next to nothing in terms of league revenue. Compare what the NFL gets today and its an absolute joke to think what they got back then. But ok, give him credit for that stuff...thats fine.
What did he do after 1970? he ran his franchise into the ground with typical bad ownership moves. His financial decisions would have gotten him indicted today. He had to have his billionaire buddy bail him out time and time again. in the 80ies it was even worse. He threw huge contracts ay players he couldnt pay for. Remember the Andre Rison contract? He had to take out a loan to pay the guy. He blamed the city for not upgrading the stadium, but even though he got 75,000 people every week he still said he wasnt getting enough support from the city. Mind you that the bastard wouldnt even lift the blackout when he sold those 75000 seats every week.
In the early 90ies he was expected to be apart of the huge sin tax plan to build the indians and cavs a new arena and he declined. By the time he moved he was so far in dept that he was forced to sell his team to that Biscotti guy which was all part of the agreement when he moved. Art Modell was a terrible owner and a terrible businessman, but people want to praise him on the day of his death for being a pioneer and an innovator for the league. If he is all the great things people are saying about him, then why isnt he in the HOF? because its all bullshit.