Boise State unveils new uniforms
11:34 AM PDT on Monday, June 1, 2009
Courtesy Boise State
BOISE - The Boise State University football team will sport new uniforms this fall.
See the uniforms
The new uniforms were designed for the school by Nike - and feature a lightweight material known as cordura. The material is similar to the dry fit shirts made by Under Armour and others.
In a prepared statement, senior Kyle Wilson voiced support for the new look.
"The material is lightweight and very tight," Wilson said. "I like the new design a lot, especially where we've added in some gray to highlight things."
A big change is the removal of the team's name - "Boise State" will no longer appear on the home uniforms, replaced instead by a rounded Bronco head. The white away uniforms will feature the word "Broncos."
Other changes include new numbering style and revamped striping.
This is the fourth uniform change for the team this decade -- the last modification came in 2006.
Boise State opens the season against the University of Oregon, at home on the Blue Turf.