Jones was asked if he was thinking about using his wrestling but "Rampage" quickly interruped:
Quinton Jackson: "You know he is. Come on, man. Who been standing up with me? Who been doing mixed martial arts with me? Everybody been wrestlin' with me. You already know."
Jon Jones: "I think I displayed pretty good kickboxing against Mauricio "Shogun." "Shogun" is one who will throw knees and elbows and actually throw high kicks. Rampage is like fighting a boxer in my opinion. If he thinks that I'm intimidated to stand by him then I think it's great for me that he's under that impression."
Quinton Jackson: "I just have to say, straight up, I respect you dog, I do think you're the future of MMA, keepin' it real but you fought "Shogun" when he was rusty as hell. He was off an injury, hadn't fought for a year, like two knee surgeries."
Jon Jones: "There will always be excuses. There will always be excuses. I'm sure after our fight I'll hear, 'you didn't fight the Pride Rampage, you fought the movie star Rampage.' There will always be excuses."
Quinton Jackson: "You're right, there's always excuses. There's a hundred of them. I've got like three excuses for every time I've lost. I've got a bunch of 'em (laughs)."
Jon Jones: "You thinking of anything good now?"
Quinton Jackson: "I ain't gonna need no excuses after this fight. I ain't going to need not one. You're gonna need a bunch of 'em."