I guess I just don't understand why people say it is "needed" or "necessary" or refuse to discuss the topic (not necessarily you guys) because "it's a part of the game". Isn't the point of the game to WIN? And don't you win by scoring more goals than the other team? I really just don't see why something as archaic and stupid as fighting still needs to be in the game of hockey.
a) it's entertainment. you'd be lying if you tried to argue fighting wasn't entertaining because surely boxing and now MMA (hell sift through history if you want to go that far) have been quite popular things to people.
b) saying it should be gone because it doesn't have to do with "winning' is absurd. the concept is no different than when a pitcher in baseball throws a "warning" shot or something to that effect, it's a tone setting moment that can fire up a team.
take fighting away from the sport and you'll see bottom end players trying to take out top end talent without fear of reprecussion. if someone tries to take our your top scorers, captain, whatever. you kick the fucking shit out of that guy, which gets your team amped up and can result in some offence.
sometimes the flow of the game just isn't going your team's way, a fight can certainly change that momentum. don't tell me you've never seen in a football game, where one team is rolling along until the other team makes a huge hit/play/whatever that changes the flow of the game. that's what fighting in hockey can do. don't tell me you've never seen a baseball pitcher throw a warning shot (which sometimes leads to fighting...) like c'mon, the concept lives in every sport it's just a matter of the form it's displayed in.
so yeah, you are correct, fighting doesn't make you win but it certainly is a component to the sport that can contribute to what's happening on the ice. there's more to football than touchdowns, there's more to baseball than home runs and there's more to hockey than goals. sports aren't as simple as you suggest.
just because you feel your own human intelligence is beyond the "archaic" concept of fisticuffs doesn't make it stupid/lamez or unneccesary. you simply don't understand it's purpose and you've already admitted you barely watch the sport so it does makes sense that you don't get it.
there's certain things me and my fellow canadians simply couldn't understand about what it's like to grow up in the football crazed america. there's also things I'm sure you and most other americans will never understand about hockey because you didn't grow up in the highly competitive and combative world of junior hockey up here.
there's no love in this sport and it starts at the grass roots level pretty much.
you just won't get it ever.