Playbook Breakdown from Kent State PB
Shotgun Normal HB WK Corner Strike
a) Streak the Outside WR’S. Place your TE on a Curl Route.
b) Motion the HB left. Snap the Ball once your HB sets.
Look for the HB, his route is great against Man Coverage or the TE on the Curl, for Zone.
Shotgun Y Trips HB WK - Comebacks
a) Streak both the Outside WR’S. Snap the Ball
b) Look for the quick read with the TE in the flats.
c) The other routes need to develop for this play.
d) The delay route also will kill the zone. Look for the Slot WR over the middle
if nothing develops. Don’t forget the streaks for strafe catches.
This play is great against the zone.
Shotgun Trips TE – PA Boot Over
a) Streak both the Outside WR’S. Turn off the Play Action.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Look for your receivers on the crossing routes for the quick option; these
routes are great against man.
d) The delayed route is a great option.
Shotgun Trips TE- Curl Flat
a) Streak the Left Outside WR. Motion the Left Inside WR to the right.
c) Snap the Ball once the motioned WR passes the Inside WR, next to the
left side of the offensive line.
d) Look for the Motioned WR, his route should kill zone coverage.
Shotgun Trips TE- Inside Switch
a) Streak the Left Outside WR. Motion the RB right.
b) Snap the Ball when the motion man passes the TE.
c) Look for your RB(right side) or WR(left side) in the flats, routes are
great against man coverage.
d) Against zone look for the Slot WR or the WR on the streak.
Shotgun Trips TE- Flood
a) Send the Middle WR in motion to the right.
b) When the motion man gets about 4 steps past the TE. Snap the Ball.
c) Look for the WR going to the flats on the left, The TE on the crossing
route or the WR you motioned, he should get over the middle of the field.
Shotgun Trips TE- PA Deep Attack
a) Place your fastest WR on the Drag. Cancel the Play Action
b) Extend the route of the TE on the In Route.
c) Snap the Ball.
d) Look for the WR on the Drag Route. Also, look for your Slot WR going in
the middle or the TE that you extended the route
Shotgun Trips TE- HB Angle
a) Place the Left Outside WR on a streak.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Look for the Left Inside WR or the TE, on the right, one the Out route
going to the flats or the RB on the angle, these routes are great aginst Man Coverage.
Shotgun Double Flex – PA QB Choice
a) Place both Outside WR’S on streaks.
b) Cancel the Play Action.
c) Snap the Ball, you want the streak routes time to develop.
d) If you have to dump the pass before the streaks have time, look for the
Slot WR’S on the crossing routes over the middle
Ace Big Twins – PA Boot Over
a) Stop the Play Action. Snap the Ball
b) Look at your TE’S running the short crossing pattern or the other running
the quick out route.
c) Your outside WR’S routes take a little time develop. One is running the deep post and the other a streak.
Ace Big Twins – PA FL Stretch
a) Stop the Play Action. Snap the Ball.
b) For the quick option, look for your TE’S on their routes.
c) If you buy a little time look for your Outside WR’S.
Ace Twin TE – Power O
a) Use Lead Blocker. Slide Protect to the side you are running. Snap the Ball.
Just a great running play.
Weak H Pro – Double Counter
a) Use Slide protection to the side you plan to run.
b) Send your FB in motion to the side you plan to run.
c) Snap the Ball before he sets.
Weak H Pro – X Option
a) Use Twin HB Package
b) Streak both the outside WR’S. Snap the Ball.
c) Look for your RB’S look for the flat route or the delayed route. (Delay
routes are money plays).
45) Weak H Twins – Cross Under
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
b) Look for the Left Outside WR on the slant, his route kills man coverage.
c) Also, look for your RB or TE in the flats. You can also get the Slot WR for
the Rocket Catch.
Weak H Twins – FB Power
a) Use the Twin HB Package.
b) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
This is a great running play to use.
47) Strong H Pro – X Option
a) Use the Twin HB Package.
b) Streak your Right Outside WR.
c) Have your Left outside WR do a slant over the middle.
d) Snap the Ball.
e) Look for the RB’S in the flats, and your WR on the slant.