The internet nerds LOVE Chikara. I looked into it for a couple matches, and just could not get into it at all. At least ROH was legit. I don't consider myself a WWE-type guy, but their set-up seemed so 4th rate. Some, maybe all, of the matches were in this tiny room in front of like 45 people. The wrestlers were all little. And I've got nothing against smaller spot-monkeys ala Sonjay Dutt. But these rail thin 145 lb guys doing lameass comedy spots just shut me out. Is there more to it than that? With the way people talk about it, I expected more. I've wanted to ask about it for a while (I think I looked them up about 2+ years ago maybe), but anywhere other than here I'd just get met with some sort of nerdy condescending douchiness. OT: does anyone else feel like the hardest part of being a wrestling fan is dealing with other wrestling fans?
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