Here's some notes I found elsewhere:
-Match started with Briscoes dominating. After a double-stomp on Jig through the table, he made it back in at 19. Then Quackenbush comes out to rally his guys and soon all the Chikara locals, including Saturyne, come out.
Finish was when Jay twisted Wicked's mask and Mark grabbed Saturyne and dragged her in. Fire Ant then springboarded over Mark on purpose to distract him and Jigsaw rolled him up for three to get a title shot in Chicago.
Briscoes cursed and swore after the match.
UMB then introduces himself, puts over Chikara, says they wanted to test themselves against the best in ROH, says Chikara is family and the Briscoes disrespected that family by attacking Wicked's mask. He says the Briscoes need masks themselves to cover their hideous faces and says JigWicked will take the Briscoes tag titles in Chicago. Mix chants for ROH and Chikara.