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There are so many tired films about superheroes these days it makes you wonder if a supervillain is running the movie studios. Every so often, however, one film seems to break the mold and make the genre feel fresh again. Could the coming movie “Chronicle” be another game-changer? We sure hope so. Directed by Joshua Trank, it stars Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell, Michael Kelly and Michael B. Jordan, who has been promising on TV shows like “Parenthood” and “Friday Night Lights.” The film, about three high school students who develop special powers, seems to unspool its story faux-documentary “Cloverfield” style, giving a comic book-ish tale a kind of newsy reality. Watch the trailer.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-M5Qx57_UU&feature=channel_video_title"]chronicle trailer HD - YouTube[/ame]