....and it needs to stop.
The past few years, people have been proclaiming above average albums as 'classics' in order feel as thought they were a part of a historic event in music, only to forget about it and be blown away by yet another so-called classic a year later, if not months down the line. It was bothersome, but not at such level of absurdity as it is now. I've heard it all as of late. Every half-decent rap album (or an album that is incredibly hyped and successfully sold) is immediately hailed as a classic album, when chances are the same people hailing it won't be listening to it a year later. It's gotten to a point where I wonder if people really understand what 'classic' really means, or are they simply using it as a catch-all term for shit they like.
"Yo, OBCL2 is a classic!"
"Yo, Tha Carter 3 is a classic"
"Yo, BP3 is a classic!"
"Yo, that Slaughterhouse is a classic!"
"Yo, Man on the Moon is a classic!"
"Yo, Loso's Way is a classic!"
"Yo, that Plies shit is a classic!"
Stop it. Immediately.
Not every dope album you hear is a classic. Just because you've been bumping for two weeks straight does not mean that it's an instant classic, it just means you love the album. Classics are game-changers, moments that raise the standards and change the genre - not just shit that you think is really really good. In short, sloooooooooooow down.
1. serving as a standard or model of its kind; typical: it is a classic symptom of iron deficiency
2. of lasting interest or significance because of excellence: the classic work on Central America
3. characterized by simplicity and purity of form: a classic suit
1. an author, artist, or work of art of the highest excellence
2. a creation or work considered as definitive [Latin classicus of the first rank]
The past few years, people have been proclaiming above average albums as 'classics' in order feel as thought they were a part of a historic event in music, only to forget about it and be blown away by yet another so-called classic a year later, if not months down the line. It was bothersome, but not at such level of absurdity as it is now. I've heard it all as of late. Every half-decent rap album (or an album that is incredibly hyped and successfully sold) is immediately hailed as a classic album, when chances are the same people hailing it won't be listening to it a year later. It's gotten to a point where I wonder if people really understand what 'classic' really means, or are they simply using it as a catch-all term for shit they like.
"Yo, OBCL2 is a classic!"
"Yo, Tha Carter 3 is a classic"
"Yo, BP3 is a classic!"
"Yo, that Slaughterhouse is a classic!"
"Yo, Man on the Moon is a classic!"
"Yo, Loso's Way is a classic!"
"Yo, that Plies shit is a classic!"
Stop it. Immediately.
Not every dope album you hear is a classic. Just because you've been bumping for two weeks straight does not mean that it's an instant classic, it just means you love the album. Classics are game-changers, moments that raise the standards and change the genre - not just shit that you think is really really good. In short, sloooooooooooow down.