1) Vosty told me personally that:
PPSH - 700 rounds + Name Changes to Reaper
Browning - 700 rounds + more powerful
2) Ray Gun - Red blasts + Changes name to Peters M1 Ray Gun + No splash damage (I think)
Wunderwaffe - Red Electricity
What Things Do (Updated)
1) Bowie knife is one hit kill until the medium rounds (15-17), two hit kill at even higher rounds
2) Bowie knife is less effective against dogs but good for covering windows
3) Monkey bomb attracts zombies to it then blows up, can harm you if you stand near it and it becomes less effective into the higher rounds (22+)
4) Monkey bomb goes in secondary grenade slot to replace molotovs
5) Monkey bomb is 'Great for reviving team-mates'
6) You have to sync the portals (I assume he means teleporters) and once you have synced 4 you get the Pack-A-Punch
7) NEW POWER-UP - Hammer icon automatically boards up all windows for you
Nobody got chance to use the fly trap but guessing from the RL fly trap and the name of the trophy it will be something to do with a flying saucer??? (Guess)
Additional information
1) Pack-A-Punch will never downgrade a weapon
2) No vehicles in any of the maps (You probably already knew this)
3) Nathan8er said "All MAPS ARE FANTASTIC!!!"
4) Some alternative Der Reise pics -
5) The MP maps play great on CTF, DOM and S&D
6) Just a little video showing some of the details from the gameplay footage to keep you occupied -
7) Maps of Der Riese - -
Alternative in game map of Der Riese -
9) The highest proof we have so far of someone getting is level 23 but that's with using perks
10) Der Riese stands for the giant which is an underground testing facility in Poland, NOT a giant zombie lol XD
11) Der Riese has a lot of story to it apparently with lots of audio messages
12) Zombie skins are different
13) Lots more zombies on this map
14) Map is loosely based on Nightfire
15) Everyone who has played the map has said it is much better than the previous ones (but we knew it was going to be like that anyway didn't we lol XD)
16) It contains TONS of easter eggs
17) The random weapons box moves
1 Its a large map and its easy to get disorientated with it
19) Dogs behave differently
20) There's a new trailer coming out SOON
21) You have to run to each teleporter to link it, if you dont do it in time it dosen't work, two people can do it at once to make it easier
22) A Youtube video compiling most of the screen-shots -
23) It is bigger that the other zombie maps as it has more levels to it, so lots of stairs
24) Each time you teleport it gives you a power-up