Dana White, UFC pres. also said in interview: “The Internet is a place where cowards live” | | Why hello Mr. White…
Ahoy @danawhite – what do you have against the Internet? We’re just curious, as we were quite surprised at the harsh tone of your comments.
Dana White
@YourAnonNews I love the Internet. It helped us grow our biz. Stealing is stealing! And hacking into people’s shit is terrorism.
Dana White
@YourAnonNews same guys on the net bitching about fighter pay are the ones who are stealing from them. That are our partners on PPV!
Dana White
@YourAnonNews and yes cowards hide on the Internet! At least I’m man enough to say all my shit in public and not hide behind a screen name!!
@danawhite – I’m curious, do you support what we do, in terms of activism & raising public awareness of critical security/privacy issues?
Dana White
@YourAnonNews no i’m a fight promoter. I put on fights. People are stealing my shit on the net and selling it or selling ads on it.
Dana White
@YourAnonNews me and my partners have busted our ass for 10 years to build the sport and co. When you steal you should be dealt with! Agree?
@danawhite Just because you’re a “fight promoter” doesn’t mean you can’t also have an opinion on social issues that affect society.
. @danawhite – So all our activism, mass protests, & helping Arab Spring fighters around surveillance to organise…you do not support?
@danawhite Your generalisation of us & online activists as cowards/terrorists disappoints us. Many are fighting 4 positive social change.
Dana White
@YourAnonNews idk anything about it. Not my deal. I have my own daily battles. IRS are not mine and mine are not yours.
@danawhite here, maybe this will show you what our work is and online work is important – Our work in Egypt:…
Dana White
@YourAnonNews I’m sure you do but if u are ok with streaming my product or fucking with my website that’s not the way to do it.
@danawhite – We ask that you retract your assertion that we’re all cowards/terrorists & “The Internet is a place where cowards live”?