I didn't see the official explanation as to why Danielson fought alongside Cena other than the "he hates them too, now" excuse.
Weeks ago, this MFer was pulling the same shit that Barrett and the 6 Flunkies were.
Danielson spits on Cena
Had he been allowed to get away with the tie choke (which "officially" should be called a work from now on), dude would have kicked Cena's head in at SummerSlam.
...but if the "E's" writers were smart, they could just have said that Danielson was pissed off that none of his buddies came to his defense or had tried to force Vince to rehire him the day after the tie-choke incident.
Heel work
There's nothing to say that Danielson still wouldn't have the same views as his Nexus counterparts aside from his selfish need to work on an official PPV instead of just plugging along on indie dates.
Too much fantasy booking involved in this to think that "Daniel Bryan" returning should have been infinitely better.