Would you pay money to become an executive at GM? It is a definite promotion for just about all of us, but the job situation sucks and you literally are paying money to possibly end all hope you ever have at ever being an executive again because of the negative stigma attached to failing executives. You might be able to get some speaking and consulting gigs if you are absolutely amazing, but if you are average or even above average, you probably will only get a few local jobs in Detroit for chump change compared to how much you are paying to be an executive. Would you do it?
If you say yes, you are a chump, but that is what you are asking Rubio to do. He would have to pay 4 million dollars to his Spanish club, which is over 2 years salary after taxes, just to play in the NBA. Meaning, he would basically be sending all of his paychecks over to Spain for the next two years! On the other hand, he can stay in Spain and finish his deal OR push to go somewhere that endorsements are far more likely and actually make money. Either one is FAR more beneficial financially than staying in Minnesota.
If I only had 15 years at the most to make money in my profession, I'm not going to take 2 of those years and squander them by making zero money (and probably massive debt). I doubt any of you guys would either.