vsn has rizzen
Everybody posts a bunch of chicks for their milestone posts so I'll just stick to what I do best - lists. I'll just expand this one a bit & take a cue from nflman & enter TV Land. Check back @ post 5,000 I may break out the chicks for that one. For now, my...
25 Favorite TV Theme Songs
25. Welcome Back, Kotter � One of TV�s mellowest grooves. The singer never raises his voice, he just makes the teacher feel, um, welcome.
24. M*A*S*H � I was never really a fan of the show. Still, this song always made me sit through the opening credits before I changed the channel.
23. Sesame Street � Too many warm childhood memories associated with this one. And I�m man enough to admit it.
Sorry, no youtube�click here
22. Living Single � Queen Latifah�s got her home-girls on her left & her right. You got a problem with that? I don�t. Just rap along
21. Laverne & Shirley � Okay, okay. So this is obviously the �girlie� portion of the list. But hey, they�re gonna make it, after all. Just skip along.
20. The Twilight Zone � Not much of a song in the traditional sense but anytime I hear it, it kinda creeps me out. Be scared.
19. The Addams Family � The weirdest family ever, except for maybe The Munsters, had one of the catchiest tunes ever. You know you want to snap your fingers.
18. The Brady Bunch � Here�s how great this song is: I�ve absolutely hated this show ever since I was a kid but I know every stinkin� word of it & consequently how the Brady�s became a family.
17. Spongebob Squarepants � Nope, I�m not kidding. You know why? Cuz I�m pretty sure that 90% of people in America conscious enough to answer to their own name can tell me who lives in a pineapple under the sea. If you�re one of the 10% that doesn�t know, enlighten yourself.
16. Star Trek (the original series) � Perhaps the weirdest sounding theme song ever. Perhaps even the birth of techno music. I would probably rate it higher but now when I hear it, I think of weird people dressing up, going to conventions & worshipping the holy trinity of Roddenberry, Shatner & Nimoy then trying to go where no man has gone before.
15. Happy Days � One o�clock, two o�clock, three o�clock rock�oh, sorry. This reminds of a period in my life when I wanted to be Fonzy�I�m serious. Just click the vid.
14. Mission Impossible � Once that fuse is lit& the music gets crankin� you know it�s time to get your spy on. Only if those lame Tom Cruise movies were half as good as the show.
13. Diff�rent Strokes � You know the world don�t move to the beat of just one drum. Besides that, whenever I hear it now I think of 3 really screwed up child-stars & get all giddy inside. I�m twisted that way.
12. The Dukes of Hazzard � I�m not a country music fan but I understood a couple of boys makin� a way, the only way they know how. Yeeeeee-hhaaaaaa!!!
11. All in the Family � If you don�t long for the days when girls were girls & men were men, whatever that means, you don�t have a heart!
10. The Beverly Hillbillies � Yeah, yeah more country bumpkin stuff. Honestly though, who doesn�t know a little story about a man named Jed? Let me come into some money, I�m loading up a truck & movin� to Beverly my damn self.
9. Fat Albert � Once I heard �Hey, hey, hey!� I was racing to the TV. It�s hard to match those ultra-70s bass guitar licks. My only regret is actually banging or plucking everything I could find in my mother�s kitchen numerous times & I never got one decent note.
8. The Jeffersons � The straight gospel styled foot-stompin�, hand-clappin� jam praising the fact that George & Weezy got rich. It really made you feel good that they finally got a piece of the pie.
7. Cheers � This made me understand that all any of us really want in life is to go where everybody knows your name. And have a beer. Or 12. And keep a running tab. Have one on me.
6. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air � Will Smith at his playful best. It�s actually better than most of the other songs he�s recorded. When he yells to the cabbie �Yo homes, smell ya later,� I�m on the floor everytime.
5. Married�With Children � Here�s one that lets me know things ain�t all peaches & cream. When love & marriage get to be too much to handle, I can always plop down on the couch, slip one hand down the front of my pants & grab the remote with the other�Wait, that didn�t sound right, did it. Anyway, I feel Al�s pain.
4. Cops � I�m a black man who�s never been in trouble with the law. Yet, the opening notes of Bad Boys reach deep into my being, clench my soul & make my normally courageous spirit wilt in its presence�then I change the channel cuz I hate this show, too.
3. The Andy Griffith Show � Let�s be honest. By show of hands, how many of you are apt to start whistling this tune when performing some task for which you have no musical accompaniment? <raises hand> It�s okay brother, you are not alone. Whistle to you heart�s content. Disclaimer: This is NOT the real opening of the show but it�s sadly the closest I could find on youtube.
2. Sanford & Son � The funkiest groove ever tied to a TV show. Nothing more to say. Well, except thank you to Mr. Quincy Jones.
1. Monday Night Football � The real theme. The original from so many years ago. The rising classical score that conjures images of a bloody lineman dropping a battered hand into the mud along the line of scrimmage. The one that sounds like a free safety separating a receiver from both the ball & his head. The one that heats my blood to a boil! The one that makes me wanna hunt down Hank Williams, Jr., lead with my head when I drill him in the ribs, laying him flat on his back, shove his guitar down his throat as I stand over him & scream �I�M READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL NOW, BEYOTCH!�
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25 Favorite TV Theme Songs
25. Welcome Back, Kotter � One of TV�s mellowest grooves. The singer never raises his voice, he just makes the teacher feel, um, welcome.
24. M*A*S*H � I was never really a fan of the show. Still, this song always made me sit through the opening credits before I changed the channel.
23. Sesame Street � Too many warm childhood memories associated with this one. And I�m man enough to admit it.
Sorry, no youtube�click here
22. Living Single � Queen Latifah�s got her home-girls on her left & her right. You got a problem with that? I don�t. Just rap along
21. Laverne & Shirley � Okay, okay. So this is obviously the �girlie� portion of the list. But hey, they�re gonna make it, after all. Just skip along.
20. The Twilight Zone � Not much of a song in the traditional sense but anytime I hear it, it kinda creeps me out. Be scared.
19. The Addams Family � The weirdest family ever, except for maybe The Munsters, had one of the catchiest tunes ever. You know you want to snap your fingers.
18. The Brady Bunch � Here�s how great this song is: I�ve absolutely hated this show ever since I was a kid but I know every stinkin� word of it & consequently how the Brady�s became a family.
17. Spongebob Squarepants � Nope, I�m not kidding. You know why? Cuz I�m pretty sure that 90% of people in America conscious enough to answer to their own name can tell me who lives in a pineapple under the sea. If you�re one of the 10% that doesn�t know, enlighten yourself.
16. Star Trek (the original series) � Perhaps the weirdest sounding theme song ever. Perhaps even the birth of techno music. I would probably rate it higher but now when I hear it, I think of weird people dressing up, going to conventions & worshipping the holy trinity of Roddenberry, Shatner & Nimoy then trying to go where no man has gone before.
15. Happy Days � One o�clock, two o�clock, three o�clock rock�oh, sorry. This reminds of a period in my life when I wanted to be Fonzy�I�m serious. Just click the vid.
14. Mission Impossible � Once that fuse is lit& the music gets crankin� you know it�s time to get your spy on. Only if those lame Tom Cruise movies were half as good as the show.
13. Diff�rent Strokes � You know the world don�t move to the beat of just one drum. Besides that, whenever I hear it now I think of 3 really screwed up child-stars & get all giddy inside. I�m twisted that way.
12. The Dukes of Hazzard � I�m not a country music fan but I understood a couple of boys makin� a way, the only way they know how. Yeeeeee-hhaaaaaa!!!
11. All in the Family � If you don�t long for the days when girls were girls & men were men, whatever that means, you don�t have a heart!
10. The Beverly Hillbillies � Yeah, yeah more country bumpkin stuff. Honestly though, who doesn�t know a little story about a man named Jed? Let me come into some money, I�m loading up a truck & movin� to Beverly my damn self.
9. Fat Albert � Once I heard �Hey, hey, hey!� I was racing to the TV. It�s hard to match those ultra-70s bass guitar licks. My only regret is actually banging or plucking everything I could find in my mother�s kitchen numerous times & I never got one decent note.
8. The Jeffersons � The straight gospel styled foot-stompin�, hand-clappin� jam praising the fact that George & Weezy got rich. It really made you feel good that they finally got a piece of the pie.
7. Cheers � This made me understand that all any of us really want in life is to go where everybody knows your name. And have a beer. Or 12. And keep a running tab. Have one on me.
6. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air � Will Smith at his playful best. It�s actually better than most of the other songs he�s recorded. When he yells to the cabbie �Yo homes, smell ya later,� I�m on the floor everytime.
5. Married�With Children � Here�s one that lets me know things ain�t all peaches & cream. When love & marriage get to be too much to handle, I can always plop down on the couch, slip one hand down the front of my pants & grab the remote with the other�Wait, that didn�t sound right, did it. Anyway, I feel Al�s pain.
4. Cops � I�m a black man who�s never been in trouble with the law. Yet, the opening notes of Bad Boys reach deep into my being, clench my soul & make my normally courageous spirit wilt in its presence�then I change the channel cuz I hate this show, too.
3. The Andy Griffith Show � Let�s be honest. By show of hands, how many of you are apt to start whistling this tune when performing some task for which you have no musical accompaniment? <raises hand> It�s okay brother, you are not alone. Whistle to you heart�s content. Disclaimer: This is NOT the real opening of the show but it�s sadly the closest I could find on youtube.
2. Sanford & Son � The funkiest groove ever tied to a TV show. Nothing more to say. Well, except thank you to Mr. Quincy Jones.
1. Monday Night Football � The real theme. The original from so many years ago. The rising classical score that conjures images of a bloody lineman dropping a battered hand into the mud along the line of scrimmage. The one that sounds like a free safety separating a receiver from both the ball & his head. The one that heats my blood to a boil! The one that makes me wanna hunt down Hank Williams, Jr., lead with my head when I drill him in the ribs, laying him flat on his back, shove his guitar down his throat as I stand over him & scream �I�M READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL NOW, BEYOTCH!�
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