Massive concrete pillars to hold together the $68 million operations center that Nike’s Phil Knight is building for the University of Oregon football program are shooting up next to Autzen Stadium.
The new center will, for example, feature nine dedicated classrooms, each for a single key position on the football team, from quarterback to inside linebacker.
Football coach Chip Kelly will have a private hot tub next to his office with a waterproofed video center, so he can watch games while taking a soak.
For the football center, ZGF Architects devised two black-metal-and-glass buildings — a “teaching box” and an “office bar” — totalling 130,000 square feet, compared with the 101,000 square feet of the existing Casanova Center.
The office block will be mounted on top of a new 25,000-square-foot building housing a weight lifting center. The office block will protrude in the air four stories high. It’ll be attached to the teaching block with a double-decker sky bridge.
The complex will offer an array of stunning facilities: two movie theaters; an advanced video editing and distribution center; a players hall; a Duck football museum; defense and offense conference rooms; and a war room set up like the one at the White House, with a long conference table, 17 executive seats and a buffet, perhaps, for long strategy sessions, according to blueprints submitted to the city. On the top floor will be a 2,285-square-foot players lounge and deck, the blueprints show. On a lower floor will be an industrial-sized kitchen, 150-seat dining hall and a 50-seat private dining room.
“The cafeteria is for all student athletes,” said Craig Pintens, a UO athletics spokesman. “We’re extremely excited about that. It’s going to help our entire Athletic Department.”
The football players will have 124 climate controlled lockers, each equipped with an iPod dock and charging station. The showers will feature custom shampoo holders painted UO green.
more than just athletics receives capital spending approval