I'm about to let some treats out the vault that few have heard...first up, a personal friend of mine, Crooked I
Just dug up an old freestyle he did for me some years back for a mixtape I was putting together...over Jay Z's Takeover......this was back when he had that beef with Snoop Dog still bubbling and he took a few shots at him......think was from around 02 or 03 when I dropped this
peep....DJ Rhude feat Crooked I "Takeover Freestyle"
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Just dug up an old freestyle he did for me some years back for a mixtape I was putting together...over Jay Z's Takeover......this was back when he had that beef with Snoop Dog still bubbling and he took a few shots at him......think was from around 02 or 03 when I dropped this
peep....DJ Rhude feat Crooked I "Takeover Freestyle"
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