While the new kids to gaming are used to it, and will probably buy into this stuff to make it stay alive, us gamers that grew up on Colecovision, Atari, NES....are probably only going to get more pissed off as time goes along.
At first DLC sounded awesome. A couple extra bucks and we can enhance the games we like and spice them up, yadda yadda.
But then it got a little ridiculous.
First starting with the infamous 'Horse Armor' incident with Bethedsa's Oblivion, where they were charging a couple bucks to give your Horse some fucking armor, that's it....that's all you got.
Then we got into situations where games would offer 1 hour or so of content for upwards of 10-15 bucks. A little ridiculous, but people bought into it.
Now today, we have NCAA football with their fucking bullshit "Dynasty Accelerators' which have contributed to the already questionable game this year......and today I came across this article.
While it's nice to hear that MW2 isn't taking into this, it seems that the next Call of Duty might go down that path.
What a fucking joke!
It's bad enough we have to pay for XBL, but now we'll be paying for 'premium' modes in online shooters?
I've come a LONG way through console generations through my 24 years of life and have never had any interest to kick the habit....but like fucking hell am I going to sit here and be nickeled and dimed if I want to get the full experience on the disc I already paid 60 bucks for.
Where the fuck is this 'DLC' concept going?
At first DLC sounded awesome. A couple extra bucks and we can enhance the games we like and spice them up, yadda yadda.
But then it got a little ridiculous.
First starting with the infamous 'Horse Armor' incident with Bethedsa's Oblivion, where they were charging a couple bucks to give your Horse some fucking armor, that's it....that's all you got.
Then we got into situations where games would offer 1 hour or so of content for upwards of 10-15 bucks. A little ridiculous, but people bought into it.
Now today, we have NCAA football with their fucking bullshit "Dynasty Accelerators' which have contributed to the already questionable game this year......and today I came across this article.
While it's nice to hear that MW2 isn't taking into this, it seems that the next Call of Duty might go down that path.
What a fucking joke!
It's bad enough we have to pay for XBL, but now we'll be paying for 'premium' modes in online shooters?
I've come a LONG way through console generations through my 24 years of life and have never had any interest to kick the habit....but like fucking hell am I going to sit here and be nickeled and dimed if I want to get the full experience on the disc I already paid 60 bucks for.
Where the fuck is this 'DLC' concept going?