I don't know how anyone can agree.
If your runningback has a 95+ Speed he is unstoppable.
Crossing Routes, Hitch Routes, and Screens are impossible to stop.
No Man Coverage just like Madden...
Only difference is in NCAA there is no Zone Coverage either.
If you do a curl route in NCAA and you have a guy in his zone, he will simply stand behind the WR, wait for him to catch it, and then tackle him.
In Madden they actually might make a play on that ball.
Point is, Most people like NCAA this year because of the Dynasty Mode, and the Online Dynasty. But the Gameplay in NCAA is much worse.
I also think maybe that this is the first year people like NCAA more is because NCAA has always seemed like a shittier version of Madden, like last years madden game (not literally 08) but last years game. This year it is almost identical to Madden, and a lot of people like the atmosphere, variety of teams, and Dynasty mode due to the fact that it's College ball.