The games, which encourage players to mimic the actions of sports, can cause painful sprains and fractures, they added.
Although the games have been praised for encouraging people to be more active, using them incorrectly or for long periods can lead to injuries.
This year, the Wii is predicted to be one of the most popular Christmas presents. But doctors said those who spent too long on the games, especially those unused to exercise, were at risk of strain.
Researchers at Leeds Teaching Hospital have identified an injury they called "Wii knee". Last year, osteopaths reported that they saw an increase in back patients after Christmas, and blamed the trend on fathers trying to keep up with their children on the machines.
The British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH) also said there had been an increase in the number of injuries caused by excessive use of Wii.
Richard Milner, of the BSSH and a consultant plastic and hand surgeon, said that he expected the number of patients to increase over Christmas. He said: "We treated a patient this week who had injured herself using a Wii. She was playing tennis with a partner and fractured one of the bones in her finger when he hit the back of her hand with the control."
Dr Andrew Coley, a paediatrician at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, said playing the games for too long in the first flights of enthusiasm could lead to injury. He diagnosed one of his patients when he recognised an injury similar to that he had also sustained over-using his Wii.
"This patient had got a Wii for Christmas, hadn't exercised in a while and overdid it. I hurt myself by trying to get an Ace on my serve in the tennis game." Players using a Wii game
Doctors: :gtfo:
Although the games have been praised for encouraging people to be more active, using them incorrectly or for long periods can lead to injuries.
This year, the Wii is predicted to be one of the most popular Christmas presents. But doctors said those who spent too long on the games, especially those unused to exercise, were at risk of strain.
Researchers at Leeds Teaching Hospital have identified an injury they called "Wii knee". Last year, osteopaths reported that they saw an increase in back patients after Christmas, and blamed the trend on fathers trying to keep up with their children on the machines.
The British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH) also said there had been an increase in the number of injuries caused by excessive use of Wii.
Richard Milner, of the BSSH and a consultant plastic and hand surgeon, said that he expected the number of patients to increase over Christmas. He said: "We treated a patient this week who had injured herself using a Wii. She was playing tennis with a partner and fractured one of the bones in her finger when he hit the back of her hand with the control."
Dr Andrew Coley, a paediatrician at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, said playing the games for too long in the first flights of enthusiasm could lead to injury. He diagnosed one of his patients when he recognised an injury similar to that he had also sustained over-using his Wii.
"This patient had got a Wii for Christmas, hadn't exercised in a while and overdid it. I hurt myself by trying to get an Ace on my serve in the tennis game." Players using a Wii game
Doctors: :gtfo: