2011 Poster Of The Year
DGUSA Offers $1.99 Live iPPV
by Gabe Sapolsky
Dragon Gate USA will offer it's "Open The Ultimate Gate 2012" live iPPV at www.WWNLive.com on March 30th for just $1.99. DGUSA Vice President Gabe Sapolsky writes this column explaining why this once-in-a-lifetime offer is being made.
We are very proud of our Dragon Gate USA brand. We want you to see it.
We know our in ring action and overall presentation have reached a new level. We are excited and confident. However, we have to admit that our iPPV buy rate has hit a plateau.
Don't get me wrong, we are very happy with our buys, and they have slowly increased over our first year at WWNLive.com. We have just hit a wall that we are looking to break through.
We don't have a TV station backing us or a corporation willing to dump millions of dollars into the product. We are a self-sufficient independent promotion.
This has a lot of advantages. We don't have corporate suits with no idea about wrestling telling us what we can or can't do. There are no politics. We don't have to cater the masses by bringing in washed up names to try to get ratings. Really, we don't have to answer to anyone. We can put out the product we want with the interest of best serving you.
However, the negative is that it's tough to gain exposure and get new eyeballs on DGUSA and EVOLVE without the backing of a TV network and/or major sponsorship.
So we have decided to take matters into our own hands.
We are going to take advantage of the fact that we produce iPPV in house at www.WWNLive.com. We are going to offer the March 30th "Open The Ultimate Gate 2012" live iPPV featuring PAC vs. Low Ki for just $1.99.
Yes, we will lose money on this and we are giving up one of our most important shows of the year for just $1.99. We know it will be worth it because you will be blown away when you see the current DGUSA brand.
I need to make it clear that the $1.99 price gets you the live showing only. This is a one-time-only very special offer. We can never make an offer like this again. We will also offer the March 30th iPPV at our regular price of $14.99, which will get you the live showing and then On Demand access.
As an added bonus, this isn't just a promotion to attract new fans. This is our way of thanking those of you who have supported us over our first year of iPPV at WWNLive.com.
This is as straight forward as I can get. We want you to see Dragon Gate USA and EVOLVE. We have hit a new peak with both brands. Now on March 30th you will get a chance to witness what it is all about for just $1.99.
This is the first night of the WrestleMania Weekend double shot. Night two will have the 'Dragon Gate 6-Man' WrestleMania tradition match as the main event.
Low Ki vs. Pac for $1.99, might as well be free, if you guys are home that night you might as well give it a shot. DGUSA gives you great action, the last set of shows were really good. Plus this is WM weekend, so the rest of the lineup will be stacked.
You have to give Gabe credit, he is trying something new and attempting to hook new fans. He's listening to the people, because a bargain basement PPV was suggested to him over on the Observer board a few months back in the infamous thread of doom where he got ripped to shreds by everybody.