The Phenom
The rosters will be completed 2day around 5 o clock and i will be starting a dynasty, last years Dynasty's for me were very successful, 4 of my returning players are actually very close friends of mine so we stay informed daily of the dynasty. we are all over 30 years and have families and work but we still manage to play atleast 1 game daily i normally advance at 9 at night or b4 i go to work at five in the morning if im off first thing in the morning. we play on heisman with sliders slightly adjusted and full rosters, no teams in the top eight, you get two warnings for not playing and i find a replacement all restarts are voted upon by situation. and we do play sim we try to crunch on the weekends and afdance as much as possible. If you are interested please msg me my gamertag is sooper m4n