The Bartman movie,
"Catching Hell," will kick off the fall run on Sept. 27. It's directed by Oscar winner
Alex Gibney ("Taxi to the Dark Side") and will delve into why Chicago Cubs fans were so eager to make Bartman -- a fan who's blamed for costing the Cubs a World Series spot in 2003 (never mind that Cubs pitchers went on to give up eight runs in the same inning) -- a scapegoat. Gibney, a Red Sox fan, then looks at his own anger at Bill Buckner's gaffe in the 1986 World Series.
"Catching Hell" was initially scheduled to be part of "30 for 30" but was pushed back a couple times.
The ESPN Films documentaries will air on successive Tuesdays through Nov. 8. The other documentaries set for the fall are:
"Renee," about transgender tennis player Renee Richards' efforts to enter the 1977 U.S. Open and her life today. Airs Oct. 4.
"The Dotted Line," directed by Morgan Spurlock, which profiles two sports agents, Peter Greenberg and Eugene Lee. Airs Oct. 11.
"Unguarded," about former high-school star and NBA player Chris Herren's struggles with addiction and his road to recovery. Airs Oct. 18.
- "The Real Rocky," a profile of former heavyweight boxer Chuck "The Bayonne Bleeder" Wepner, whose 1975 fight with Muhammad Ali helped inspire Sylvester Stallone to write "Rocky." Airs Oct. 25.
"Charismatic," about the horse that nearly won the Triple Crown in 1999 but sustained a career-ending injury in the Belmont Stakes. Airs Nov. 1.
- "Roll Tide/War Eagle," about the deep roots of the rivalry between the University of Alabama and Auburn University. Airs Nov. 8.