Mr. Wednesday from OperationSports said:
After playing for about an hour (3 total)...
1) If you are a fan of Oblivion you will love this game.
2) The setting is awesome (the game starts off a little slow, but what RPG doesn't).
3) It will take a little time to get use to using the new menu (Pip-Boy 3000).
4) Combat is a little tricky. (I'm sure it because of my low skill level right now)
5) As expected, you can solve problems any way you want. (I have already done some jacked up stuff)
6) You can pick locks (but it is very different from Oblivion) and hack into computers which is very cool.
7) You can listen to local radio stations on the Pip Boy 3000.
8) Voice acting is great. I guess that should be expected
9) The graphics are better than Oblivion, but nothing like Dead Space that make you say it's beautiful.
10) I will warn some people. If you did not like Elder Scrolls, you won't like this game.
11) V.A.T.S. (the targeting system) is pretty easy to use. Just pull the R2 button (PS3). I haven't been able to do any cool head shots that I saw in some of the previews. I been mainly beating the crap out of people with melee weapons.