that whole "meet Fedor!", "Fedor signs autographs!", "Fedor open Work out!" was complete garbage, he hit the pads for a VERY short amount of time, maybe did at most 10-4 punch combinations and then moved to the heavy bag... oh wait, I forgot, he jumped rope. then we all stood in line for 45 minutes and were told he had to leave, because the whole god damned F***king thing was extremely disorganized, the only shit I got to enjoy was some kid in front of me bragging with his best friend
dick buddy about how he could beat up Ricardo Almeida and how he used to own him in sparring and how Almeida is lucky that this dude didn't fight at 170 in the UFC.
actually, the best part was an adult yelling at Fedor, "I'll never cheer for you again", ha ha ha, the dude looked to be in his late 30's and was pissed!