A very slippery slope here.
Two problems:
-College athletes are already paid...with an education that ranges in price value. By unionizing athletes collectively, it deems the education they receive to be equal...which it is not.
-The percentage of college athletes that are being withheld from a monetary figure is minuscule annually. The idea of collectively paying college athletes is pretty fuckin communist when only the smallest percent of athletes being worthy of receiving a monetary figure outside of allotted educational payment.
Now...do I think college athletes should be paid? Yup. Should they all get paid? Nope.
Allow those that can make money off of their appearance or whatever be able to do so...but paying the average joe college athlete, even a stipend as it relates to work-study is ridiculous to me.
The easiest solution is to stop restricting the student athlete from making a wage...allow them to work...allow them to make money by using their image or their status without it risking their eligibility. Stop putting the onus on the college to fork over the bill to pay the kids. They are already fronting a pretty hefty bill in regards to free education, room, board, food, tutoring and other educational benefits. If the kid wants to get paid...let'em get paid, but don't force the school to do it...if they can get paid for X, Y, or Z, let'em. If they can't...their education, room, board etc. is compensation enough. If by chance they don't think so...well, they should have gotten better grades or should have made a better academic decision.
This entire story and the concept of paying college athletes has lost sight of what the goal should be.