Foot clan is back! We started on RSV1 after a few of us were in a clan with a psycho leader who would go ballistic if we didnt play at the exact time he wanted and let him be host. We branched off and became an Adult FPS gaming clan who plays together through about 4 different games now.
CODMW2 will be the best version of Foot Clan to date as i think everyone with a console will get this game. The core of [FOOT] has basically been, me, blade, hova, and freekey. Freekey doesnt really post here but he's a personal friend of mine thats always played with us. We've played with a ton of different guys from MM,Vetz, and VSN over the years. We welcome anyone to join in the fun as we play alot. Clan system on MW2 isnt by invite so if you're from VSN and looking to play with some guys who are just down to have some good gaming times then sport your [FOOT] and join us whenever we're on (which should be an extreme amount of time for this game, it looks amazing.)
Headsets are STRONGLY recommended but not required, we will not play with kids who sing into the headset, spit racial or bigoted comments all game, or generally act like retards. Most of us are mid 20s and up. We dont say teenagers cant play with us but we will have very little tolerance for you acting like douchebags, you will be muted and not invited back to any future gaming sessions with us. The majority of us have jobs, some have kids, and gaming is our time to unwind. We will not put up with immaturity and bad sportsmanship.
Basically if you want some guys to go into a match with instead of playing with 10 randoms and you have a decent level of maturity then feel free to join VSN's PS3 adult MW2 clan.
PSN list of FOOT Clan
BigHerm / Herm
Blade2382 / Blade
Freekey /
MorenoKing24 / Hova
MMChillout/ Chuckchillout
Houtz/ Houtz
AzzholeByNature / BigBucs
Miggyfan99 / MiggyFan
Lupe103344522 / Lupe
kyhadley / kyhadley
Knubb / knubb
PointBlankInc / PointBlank
Clwnbby / CF24
Howz_It_Taste / Justo
OnlyOneBeerLeft / OnlyOneBeerLeft
krulmichael /krulmichael
Thesecondcoming8/ mvp1991
Twigg4075 /Twigg4075
Umfer/ Umflhs22tuff
Oroku Saki/ vinsane
Realist/ Realist
Red33/ MMred
ZMnsr1 /ZMnsr1
zack54attack /zack54attack
ielude/ .RoCkEtS1
JayDizzle04 /JayDizzle04
JBauerisGod /JBauerisGod
JaxEx/ Jax
whosdamastah/ Shogun
CODMW2 will be the best version of Foot Clan to date as i think everyone with a console will get this game. The core of [FOOT] has basically been, me, blade, hova, and freekey. Freekey doesnt really post here but he's a personal friend of mine thats always played with us. We've played with a ton of different guys from MM,Vetz, and VSN over the years. We welcome anyone to join in the fun as we play alot. Clan system on MW2 isnt by invite so if you're from VSN and looking to play with some guys who are just down to have some good gaming times then sport your [FOOT] and join us whenever we're on (which should be an extreme amount of time for this game, it looks amazing.)
Headsets are STRONGLY recommended but not required, we will not play with kids who sing into the headset, spit racial or bigoted comments all game, or generally act like retards. Most of us are mid 20s and up. We dont say teenagers cant play with us but we will have very little tolerance for you acting like douchebags, you will be muted and not invited back to any future gaming sessions with us. The majority of us have jobs, some have kids, and gaming is our time to unwind. We will not put up with immaturity and bad sportsmanship.
Basically if you want some guys to go into a match with instead of playing with 10 randoms and you have a decent level of maturity then feel free to join VSN's PS3 adult MW2 clan.
PSN list of FOOT Clan
BigHerm / Herm
Blade2382 / Blade
Freekey /
MorenoKing24 / Hova
MMChillout/ Chuckchillout
Houtz/ Houtz
AzzholeByNature / BigBucs
Miggyfan99 / MiggyFan
Lupe103344522 / Lupe
kyhadley / kyhadley
Knubb / knubb
PointBlankInc / PointBlank
Clwnbby / CF24
Howz_It_Taste / Justo
OnlyOneBeerLeft / OnlyOneBeerLeft
krulmichael /krulmichael
Thesecondcoming8/ mvp1991
Twigg4075 /Twigg4075
Umfer/ Umflhs22tuff
Oroku Saki/ vinsane
Realist/ Realist
Red33/ MMred
ZMnsr1 /ZMnsr1
zack54attack /zack54attack
ielude/ .RoCkEtS1
JayDizzle04 /JayDizzle04
JBauerisGod /JBauerisGod
JaxEx/ Jax
whosdamastah/ Shogun
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