I have no issue getting match up with people, as me and KG have just played with each other the last few tourny's. But as I said in the last thread, something needs to be done to make it a more realistic league. I'm not taking a shot at Zalf because he is good and should win if he is. But in the same case, a -26 score at the Master's of all tournaments should not be happening. Because as I pointed out before, we have guys who shoot say an 79 (+9) and they are basically out of the tournament right then and there.
I think if this wants to be good competition, you got to cap people's players. Just like people do with sliders, you got to do it with the game. I know in golf guys do hit different lengths, and are better at certain things, so maybe you can offer some flex in that area. Maybe say everyone can have 25 points to go through all the areas, so you could have
Power - 8
Accuracy - 7
Putting - 6
Short Game - 4
And just have a cap of say 9 for the most you can up to. Just throwing out ideas here. I am just thinking that we have been playing for like 2 weeks, and already we have scores in the -20+ range, and changing the wind and green speeds isn't helping that much. So the next thing would have to be the players.