Ok, so we all know it gamestop is a ripoff, but gamestop is the only closest game store to me where i can trade in stuff. I went to gamestop trying to trade in INfamous, figured i'd get maybe 40 cause it was still relatively new, fucker said it'd get a little more than half of that, $25 to be exact, i was gonna get GTA4 to cure my boredom until i get some more money and get another game, but i didnt have an extra 10, so i went to the used games section, and right in front of me was a USED infamous for only $55, i got pissed but looked at some other games, decided to get Bad Company for 18 and use the extra 7 to preorder Batman. After i get Madden and Batman, i dont know if i'll ever go back to there. I've been going there for yrs, but these rip offs have gotten to me.
Anyone know another game store you can trade in games and get a decent deal? i really dont know any others in Denver
Anyone know another game store you can trade in games and get a decent deal? i really dont know any others in Denver

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