Play Now
Get this out the way first, unfortunately in NCAA series we are severely limited to the amount of options we have. But anyway:
Max out aggression for the offense and defense. Yep you heard it correct, max it out. During this week I noticed it doesn't effect the type of plays called at all. Instead of aggression, I like to call it the potential slider. The higher it is, the better the AI plays. So max it out for both sides of the ball. What I have observed is the higher the aggression, the better they run plays, the better they choose running lanes and the more special moves they will do.
Run/Pass defense at 50. Yes keep it balanced. I noticed anytime you favored defend the run or defend the pass, the AI blitzed a lot. For you PS3 users, sorry you just S.O.L because most of the teams you can't put directly at 50 for some weird the game it setup. But for those with the editor, put it on 50. With it at 50 you will see some blitzes but not a lot. Defensive play calling is more varied.
And for those who will ask where is it on the editor, it is Pass Defensive Strategy. Put it at 50.
Don't worry about all the teams playing the same or being equal, they won't be because every team and every individual player's ratings still determines how good they are. Aggressiveness just allows them to fully utilize their skill sets.
Coaching Philosophies
Ok guys, this is really important and I feel a lot of people have this stuff completely wrong and some people have their stuff just backwards. You must and I repeat must have it setup CORRECTLY to match that school's offensive style.
Meaning if they are a Air Raid team, don't have them with 30 pass and 70 run. That is just wrong and goes against that type of offense. Too many people have stuff setup for stats purposes for games they sim. Wrong idea and very bad idea. Because when you setup for STATS you end up messing up GAMES YOU PLAY.
Which brings me to spread teams. Majority of teams on this game are spread teams. However, there are two different types of spread teams. You have those who pass the ball out of the spread and then you have those who love running out of the shotgun, whether it be read option or draws. So if you have team that runs the spread and their QB get a lot of rushing yards, the only way they are going to get those yards is if you favor the run in the spread. Not going to get it being balanced or favoring the pass.
Ok now let the fun begin. Now you do everything ABOVE plus you do something that worked wonders in Madden 11, 12, and 13 but I never thought about doing to the NCAA series until now.
In the recruiting plan:
For position needs but everybody at balanced except for the DE, put them on pass rush and DT put them on run stop. Basically for the GAMES YOU PLAY it will make those positions play to the style you have set up. Effects the USER controlled team and the team YOU ARE PLAYING AGAINST. The type of style determines the type of ANIMATIONS that play out in the game.
Oh, but it gets better.......
For position priority, the higher that position is, the better that position plays for the GAME YOU PLAY. So for me:
OL at Low
DE at High
DT at Low
LB at Low
CB at Medium
S at High
What this produced is the defensive ends getting up field and getting sacks, while the safeties stayed back and defended passes.