First off, lol @ 2 weeks, would take much longer
Have to be a lw, but in reality a fw because cutting is more apart of the sport now, I would be a small lw now a days
Of 'major guys' it would have to be someone with bad sub defense, I was always more of a sub grappler in mma training, still had striking, but my game was more sub based, I would use a imanari type attack against todays guys, go for the legs for a quick sub, if I don't get it than probably lose, lol, also have a nasty marcelo guillotine
Maybe Guillard because he has lost to subs, but he would probably be to big and tough to take down though
A battle with Imanari would be fun, my legs are tough to get and he doesn't have the positional game down, he goes for subs everywhere and gives up position, but in reality, I'm way past my prime and the long lay off from training because of my kid gives me no right to think I would beat anyone currently