I'd remake From Hell. The comics were so amazing, but they really went on a completely different path with the movie. The comics were dark and made even darker by the insight into the killers mind. The movie was made into a "Who done it?" experience that just didn't work, even with Johnny Depp.
As Abberline, I'd go with Christian Bale, he can handle the serious moments, can show affection towards the prostitutes in the film, and could even do the trippy scenes.
As Mary Kelly, I'd select Amanda Seyfreid. She isn't overly attractive, she isn't meant to be, but she could fulfill the job of 1880's English whore pretty well.
Sir William Gull (aka Jack the Ripper) would be perfect for Willem Defoe. He can be the dark, maniacal Gull while at the same time keeping completely cool and scientific that he was in the books. He might need to add some weight and go grey, but for some reason, he really would be an amazing serial killer role.
Director would either be Zack Snyder or Joss Whedon. Both know how to tell a comic book story. Neither are perfect, both have put out meh movies, but honestly, they do a very good job of sticking to source material and making it interesting. In fact, I'd say Snyder's adaptation of Watchmen was among the most difficult tasks any director has had to do with comic books and I think he completely did it justice, far more than any other Alan Moore comic has received.