Aye wildcard you should sell me yo PS3....
But Phish, I'll tell you to be thoughtful of what you are about to pay for. I mean the best game on 360 is GOW2 and the only thing good about it is the multiplayer which you have to pay for to get online. Don't get me wrong the 360 is a very good system but ask the people here how many times did they exchange theirs becuz of the ring of death, scratching disc, disc read error, etc...
PS3 on the other hand will let you play majority of your PS2 games, the internet is free, Otha than madden (which EA are fan boys of 360) there is really no difference btw the games visuals. As far as PS3 only you got those racing games, you can download old PS games for either free or 4.99... You can rent/buy movies, t.v. shows, etc... PS Home is coming, Resistance (1 & 2) is the shit, God of War is coming and you know that's a PS3 only. I can name more but do a lil bit more research before you make such an investment.