DJ Fog, your thoughts?
Personally, I have no problem with the f words, however, did Kobe seriously punch his own teammate? That's fucked up.
It doesn't matter if it wasn't meant for our ears. It doesn't matter that NBA players might do it all the time. And it doesn't matter in the slightest that Kobe Bryant(notes) wasn't using the usual, hateful, meaning behind a homophobic slur that starts with an "f" and ends with those who are mindful of the pain and suffering that the LGBT community has gone through cringing as we hear it.
Kobe Bryant apparently called referee Bennie Adams a "fucking faggot" following both a personal and technical foul call that didn't go Kobe's way on Tuesday night (the video can be seen here), and Bryant has been rightfully excoriated for it. He shouldn't have done it on Tuesday night, he shouldn't have done it the times we haven't heard him say it, and he shouldn't ever do it again. Doesn't matter, no excuses, I don't want to hear it. There are hundreds of individual curse words to use in that situation, don't use that one.
(About to reply? To tell me to get off my high horse? To comment away? To wonder aloud about my own sexuality? Please, bring on a new zing that I'm totally sure I haven't heard 3900 times already since I started writing on the internet in 1997. I'm sure it will be a killer.)
It doesn't matter. Alone in a gym, on the bench where nobody can hear you, or within earshot of TNT's mics. Don't use that word. Not unlike another word we've effectively taken out of the lexicon, one that starts with an "n," to the frustrated cries that usually start with, "but it doesn't always have to mean …"
Appalling optimist that I am? Gay rights groups will complain, as they already have to TMZ, and Kobe gets a fine. Then Kobe, easily the most foul-mouthed on-record superstar I can recall, leaps to the vanguard of the "shut the hell up with that word and just call the guy an [rhymes with 'bassbowl']" crowd. It's a fun crowd. We still get to say dirty words. I'm saying them right now.
Kobe's fans and some of his more slavish online devotees (rhymes with "Nick Puker") have already started the "what's the big deal?" defense. John Krolik came through with the thoughtful, measured response to the incident early this morning, and his take was spot on. Now I have to come through and add exclamation marks to everything. Don't say that word. Don't. Don't care, don't care, and I don't want to hear the excuses. There's no getting around this on any meaningful level. You don't say it.
Is that simple enough?
Related: Kobe Bryant
DJ Fog, your thoughts?
Personally, I have no problem with the f words, however, did Kobe seriously punch his own teammate? That's fucked up.