It wouldn't be a criminal tort, unless the guy confiscating the tapes assaulted the photographer in some manner. My memory of the law regarding this type of thing is a little fuzzy, but I am pretty sure that the owner of a "product" (which can be construed as the game being played for this little shin-dig) has a right to decide when, how and where his product is marketed, and to control all the things that coincide with it. That is why you don't see many name brands used in tv shows and movies: the owner of a product has a right to protect that product and market it how he sees fit. This falls in line with those reminders during professional sports games about "the images and views represented are the property of the MLB and blah blah blah". The photographer may have been granted permission to film the event, but only in the manner prescribed by the owner of the product. Again this is all from a beer-hazed memory, and if you REALLY want to know I can go grab my business law textbook and give you a definitive answer.