Watching now, here is my running commentary...
It's a six sided ring, but a big one like AAA, not the smaller TNA version. Piped in crown noise, because there is NOBODY there.
-Trios: Oriental (c), El Limon, Nuetronic vs. Puerto Rican Powers & Mascara Purpura (c) - Oriental just lost his mask in Mexico this past week. Not familiar with any of the others, but El Limon looks like Cibernitico circa 1996.
Oriental & Purpura are your captains. Purpura with some good lucha spots. They took out PRP, and are triple teaming Purpura now. Now they are triple teaming one of the Puerto Rican guys. Heels totally clearing house. El Limon just spit on the crowd. Purpura does tons of athletic shit, clearly the star of the match here. He even did a shooting star press.
Oriental & Limon scored double pins on the PR Powers after the PR guys missed double 450's. Oriental scored with a bridging german suplex, Limon hit a back senton from the second rope. Apparently, it was a one fall match. Good action.
Winners - Oriental, El Limon, Nuetronic.
-Promo from RJ Brewer. I don't know who he is either, but he's a heel, because he's cutting a promo on "capes, masks, and jumping around" Says he's a "traditional" pro wrestler. Ok.
-Tag Team Minis: Mini Park & Mascarita Dorada vs. Paqueno Halloween & Chi Chi - Chi Chi is an "exotico", which is a tranny. An exotico mini, no less. This isnt as unusual as it sounds. "She" came to the ring to Lady Gaga. Haha. The other three are traditional mini, smaller versions of the regular sized stars of the same names.
Dorada starts with Halloween. Dorada reminds me of the great Marcarita Sagrada, who ghad a short run with WWF after being a top mini for AAA about 15 years ago. Halloween is one of those short regular guys, not a midget like most minis. In fact, Dorada appears to be the only midget. Mini Park is a mini version of La Parka, obviously. Chi Chi's wig flew off. Halloween back in. Dorada is awesome, I love watching the 3 ft minis who can go. CHi Chi has a black valet that looks like Rhaka Khan from TNA. Dorada did an awesome Dragon Kid Dragon Rana, then did a dive off the top to the outside. Great stuff.
CHi CHi distracted the ref, and his black valet power bombed Mini Park. Chi CHi then got the pin. Bad finish. It was great when Dorada was in.
Winners - Paqueno Halloween & Chi Chi
-Vignette for Lujo Esquire. He's rich, supposedly. "I dont always buy expensive clothes, sometimes I buy really expensive clothes". OK dude, if you say so.
-Marco Corleone & Tinieblas Jr cut promos on each other backstage IN SPANISH with subtitles. Why???
-Main Event: Marco Corleone (Mark Jindrak) vs. Tinieblas Jr. - Corleone has been taking his vitamins. And when I say vitamins, I really mean copias amounts of steroid. HE'S FUCKING JACKED, AND RIPPED TO SHREDS. Tinieblas is solid vet, this could be really good. There is 15 minutes left, they should have time to build something.
Nuetronic seconds Tinieblas Jr. Corleone is seconded by Solid. Solid is a fat white guy who is eating a pizza. I'm not making this up.
This is a LUCHA LIBRE USA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT MATCH. Corleone takes early control. Match is being worked american style. REST HOLD one minute in from Tinieblas. Awful. Nuetronic interferance TWO MINUTES IN. Ugh. Solid now eating a donut. WTF is this shit? Tinieblas with a big boot. Taunting the crowd. Sets up Corleone in the corner. Hits a splash from the top (looked bad). TWO COUNT. Overhand chops. Corleone fires back, but it was just a hope spot. Another TWO COUNT after a "drop of darkness" (Killswitch). Corleone big boot, but Nuetronic grabs his foot. Solid saves Corleone. Corleone does his big flying over the top dive. Always looks awesome. Back in the ring, Corleone scores the pin with a roll up out of nowhere. Match sucked.
LIZMARK JR attacks Corleone after the match. Nails a Shawn Michaels savate kick. The heels celebrate on the ramp, Corleone is down.
Winner - Marco Corleone
Show was fun, the opener was the best match, the main event was awful. They are setting up Corleone vs. Lizmark Jr as the big feud, which is smart, because those appear to be the two best workers in the promotion. If I saw this 15 years ago, I'd think it was the greatest thing ever. But for 2010, it was just your basic lucha show. If you've never seen lucha, check it out. In fact, everyone should check it out. It wasnt bad, but know you arent seeing anything groundbreaking and you should enjoy it.