Mo coming will be semi helpful, but jones has a totally different type of takedown arsenal. So his double leg isn't gonna do much against machida. And bones won't be ducking his head and swinging for the fences, so he isn't coming for stand up :smug:
Ps if I groaned you LR, I didn't mean too. I am on my phone.
Mo knows wrestling, he just isnt a double leg guy, he studies MMA, grappling, bjj and K1
He isnt as long as Jones, but he does have a 78" reach which is great for a LHW, Bones is at 84" which you can only get at HW, but Mo will be a great help IMO
Anyway, Bones is a 2 year striker and it shows, besides some flashy stuff, the only thing he has over these guys are reach, it will be figured out, Machida is a tactical striker, Jones hasnt faced anyone like that, plus Machida is faster, Bones is not a fast striker and lacks technique, plus power
Another thing about Machida, he is very solid on the ground if it gets there, plus with machida, he still hits fats and hard every round, he isnt a slow down guy, this is great match up IMO