I don't argue w/idiots...
Madden Monday: It's All in the Details — All-New Field Treatments
July 20, 2009 at 1:46 pm
July 20, 2009 at 1:46 pm
Will life imitate art? Apparently, the Patriots will make it to the AFC Championship game this year.
Hey! It looks like the Cowboys will make the playoffs this year! It must be the first round.
Hey! It looks like the Cowboys will make the Thanksgiving Day game this year! Oh, wait.
Hey! The Steelers will make the opening game this year! We took the joke too far, didn't we?
The Madden NFL team is always striving to make Madden exactly like a real game you'd watch on a typical Sunday, and Madden NFL 10, packs in more details than ever to give you an authentic NFL experience. We've gotten our football-frenzied hands on some advance screen shots of one of those details, field treatments, just like the ones you'd see airbrushed onto the grass for a playoff or other special game. Because GameStop headquarters is near Dallas, Texas, many of us around here are hoping these shots are prophetic — one of them shows the Cowboys in the playoffs.
Speaking of those little details that make the game more realistic, Madden NFL 10 will pack in many more, in addition to the field treatments. You'll see moments of anticipation, like a referee pulling players off of a fumble pile to find out who came up with the ball, or the chain gang heading out to measure after a fourth-and-inches attempt.
You'll also see a healthy dose of scripted scenes, like the coaches discussing a crucial 4th-down play with the Quarterback, players taking pre-game warm-ups, sideline banter between star players, or a QB on the phone with the staff in the booth, or with his celebrity girlfriend in the suite.
Every effort has been made to ensure that players will look and act the way they do on Sunday. Every starting QB and kicker in the league will throw and kick like they do in real life. Peyton looks like Peyton. Big Ben looks like Big Ben. Even Matt Stover has his true (albeit bizarre) kicking stance. No detail has been overlooked, right down to snow melting and dripping off of the camera lens, or a running back's arm casting a shadow on his chest as he tucks the ball away.
A little spit-and-polish, or elbow grease, or make-better-ness, has also been applied to the on-screen graphics, with all-new stats, banners and ticker, making this the most immersive broadcast presentation EVER for Madden. And just like the good ol' days, your opponent will have no idea which play you picked, with the return of the "Turn back the clock" 3-play playcall window.
No game day is complete without a visit to the stadium's parking lot. You'll see Philly fans cooking up some cheese steaks for a tailgate party, Panthers fans taking pictures with their head in the mouth of the big Panthers statue outside the stadium, or Bears fans playing some pre-game Cornhole. (It's a real game! Do a search for the American Cornhole Association.)
We hope you enjoy this peek at the field treatments. Although they may hint at future events, anything can happen in the NFL. Remember, as of right now, your favorite team is undefeated. We'll bring you more Madden next Monday.