I don't think you're trolling, it just doesn't make sense. It's not anything close to an action game. If you played it ANYTHING like one might play Shank, you would die over and over again. What aren't you getting about this? Sure it has a similar artistic flair (be it anything from story telling methods to look), but it's a freaking stealth game where you get the best bonuses for never engaging a single enemy or being spotted once in a level. What part of Shank's gameplay was like that? Shank got dull (for me) because it was a run, run, run, mash, mash, mash, kill, kill, kill game. This involves careful timing and planning.
Some reading material that appears to be a little more reliable than your buddy:
Having a similar style now makes it the same game I guess, even if the gameplay is radically different? I don't see what it is you're missing here, and I think it's bordering on stupid that you're even posting thoughts at all on a game you haven't tried.